Sucralose: A Possibly Genotoxic Chemical Found in Popular Artificial Sweetener Brands may damage DNA in new study.

New Study Raises Concerns About The Health Effects of A Widely Used Artificial Sweetener called Sucralose. A chemical found in popular brands that may damage DNA

A man feeling unwell due to health side effects.

A newly published study is raising concerns about the safety of Sucralose, the widely used artificial sweetener. The research has found that a chemical produced when we digest Sucralose, sucralose-6-acetate, is Genotoxic and therefore breaks up DNA, especially for gut health. This harmful chemical is also present in trace amounts in off-the-shelf Sucralose before it is even consumed.

Health Risks and Effects of Sucralose

The study was conducted by the joint department of biomedical engineering at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It suggests that the amount of sucralose-6-acetate found in a single daily drink containing Sucralose exceeds the toxicological concern threshold set by the European Food Safety Authority for all Genotoxic substances.

Sucralose has been marketed as a healthier alternative to sugar since it does not contain any calories. However, this research raises new concerns about its safety and potential health effects. It follows several earlier studies that have also been associated with Sucralose and its metabolite and the concerns about the potential health effects of the consumption of the common artificial sweetener.

Sucralose Ingestion Possibly Linked To Leaky Gut

Stomach cells in the lining of the gut
Stomach cells in the lining of the gut

One of the most concerning findings from this latest research is that both Sucralose and the metabolite of Sucralose sucralose-6-acetate cause “leaky gut.” The researchers found that these chemicals make the wall of our gut more permeable than usual, which allows things that would typically be flushed out of the body to leak into our bloodstream. This can lead to various health problems such as inflammation or even carcinogenicity.

Moreover, exposure to sucralose-6-acetate led to increased activity in genes related to oxidative stress, inflammation, and carcinogenicity in gut cells.

The study’s authors warn against consuming products containing Sucralose and suggest choosing healthy, low-, or no-sugar alternatives instead. The findings add to earlier research linking artificial sweeteners such as Sucralose to health risks such as high blood sugar, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and mortality.

Leaky gut is problematic because of the following reasons:

Leaky gut is a serious condition that is becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s society. The term refers to a permeable gut lining that allows toxins, bacteria, and undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream. This can lead to a multitude of health problems, including autoimmune diseases, food intolerances, and chronic inflammation.

One of the main issues with leaky gut is that it can go undetected for years, leading to a buildup of toxins in the body that can be difficult to eliminate as they are absorbed into the bloodstream. In addition, many people who suffer from leaky gut are unaware of the root causes and continue to eat foods that exacerbate the problem, prolonging their suffering. This can have significant consequences for individuals who are already struggling with poor health, as leaky gut can exacerbate existing conditions and make it more difficult for the body to heal and recover.

Furthermore, the leaky gut is problematic because it can lead to malnutrition due to the gut’s inability to properly absorb nutrients. This can lead to a host of other health problems, including fatigue, weight loss, and weakened immune function, making it all the more important to detect and address this condition early on.

In conclusion, leaky gut is a serious issue that can have a significant impact on an individual’s health and well-being. As such, those who suspect they may be suffering from this condition should seek professional medical guidance and take steps to eliminate the underlying causes in order to prevent further damage to their bodies.

Safety of Sucralose possibly being ignored

Using artificially sweetened syrup for pancakes.
Using artificially sweetened syrup for pancakes.

Despite the mounting evidence highlighting significant risks associated with consuming sucralose-containing products, artificial sweetener manufacturers claim their products are safe. Some health experts even defend them, stating that occasional or frequent ingestion does not harm our health. Yet, several studies have linked artificial sweeteners to health problems such as high blood sugar levels, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and mortality.

The authors of this study believe that it might be time for regulatory bodies to revisit safety guidelines on this artificial sweetener. The research raises questions about the existing standards set by organizations like the European Food Safety Authority and whether they are sufficient to protect consumers from potential health hazards.

Many people consume artificial sweeteners to reduce their sugar intake and maintain a balanced diet. However, if these substitutes prove to be harmful in the long term, it is essential to consider alternatives that are safe and healthy for regular consumption.

There are many low- or no-sugar alternatives available in the market today that people can use instead of sucralose-based products. Many natural sugars such as honey or maple syrup provide sweetness without posing any known health risks.

Conclusion: Sucralose causes DNA damage, possibly in the long run depending on how much is consumed.

In conclusion, while more research is necessary to determine whether Sucralose is genuinely harmful in consuming moderate doses regularly over time, there is undoubtedly enough evidence now to suggest it may not be entirely safe and could pose a risk of developing various chronic diseases if consumed frequently.

As such, it might be advisable for people who enjoy sweetened beverages or foods containing Sucralose to start looking into alternative options that are less likely to cause adverse health effects in the long run until the potential health effects associated with the consumption of Sucralose are further studied.


References Mentioned In Article:

Chemical found in widely used sweetener breaks up DNA (

Chemical found in Splenda damages DNA: ‘Genotoxic’ discovery (

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Mike No Relent
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